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make tracks中文是什么意思

用"make tracks"造句"make tracks"怎么读"make tracks" in a sentence


  • 匆匆离去, 逃跑


  • Yeah you make tracks but i make twice as much
  • With 6 electric voltage fold point designed , it could make tracking sign 5 lines output
  • Using a financial management software program makes tracking where your money goes much easier
  • Antelope is with the lion all at rush , antelope is at escape , and the lion is however at make track for the shot
  • The algorithm that makes the tracking bom based on time is used to make tracking bom when no tracking bom
    基于时间的跟踪bom生成算法用于在没有追踪bom的情况下生成追踪bom 。
  • The game introduce : why would be make track for by the dog dog to bite , who call the bone that you rob it carelessly
  • Did not make mistake ! i unmarriageable ? make track for my person the many computing with the arithmetic figure exsited now
  • I still remember how i played hooky in high school and made tracks from one movie theater to another to see the latest movies
  • In chapter 5 , this paper made track mathematically for origins of main classic models in the real options and differed from their application
  • I still remember how i played hooky in high school and made tracks from one movie theater to another to see the latest movies
    这个人说: “我还记得在中学时我是怎么逃学,怎么从一个电影院赶到另一个电影院去看最新的电影。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"make tracks"造句  


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